How to Install a Kitchen Garden: The Comprehensive Guide

Kitchen garden is rising in prominence for many good things. And here is everything you need to consider if you want to raise your organic food, too!

Organic foods are getting more expensive daily, so everybody likes to practice their skills in kitchen gardening. You can save expenses while enjoying healthy, flavorful vegetables, spices, and fruits from your home kitchen garden. Also, you can be more self-reliant on fresh food, which is always good. So, let’s take a closer look at kitchen gardening and how to start your home kitchen garden in India.

What is Kitchen Gardening?

Kitchen gardening is not like ordinary landscaping. This is owing to the notion that a kitchen garden is often compact yet visually appealing. It goes well with the overall decor of the home. Moreover, this foodstuff is meant for healthy eating instead of being sold. Kitchen gardens are more convenient and affordable for producing food, herbs, and fruits. Not to forget that they are far more visually appealing, owing to the architectural narrative structure that kitchen gardens are known for.

Advantages of Kitchen Gardening

  • A kitchen garden is a great way to increase the yield of fresh produce.
  • It helps reduce the carbon footprint.
  • When you cultivate your food, you understand what goes into it, making it a healthy and nutritious option.
  • It is also a great way to get your kids involved in growing food.
  • This is a simple and enjoyable way to spend time outside.
  • It enables you to make better use of the space outside your home.

Kitchen Garden

Where Should You Install Your Kitchen Garden?

A kitchen garden, like every garden, needs sufficient sunlight. The area you pick for a kitchen garden must receive ample sunlight for at least 4 to 5 hours daily.

Below are several places where you could start your kitchen garden at home:

1. Backyard

If you have a large backyard, it would be better to install a small kitchen garden. Due to its accessible & direct exposure to sunlight, irrigation, and various other necessities, it is a great place to start your home kitchen garden. The area of your backyard is insignificant since you can choose a piled vegetable garden. The walls will be covered in sections of vegetation (also known as vertical gardening). This saves room and enhances the visual appearance of the area. That said, it will be a bit difficult to maintain a backyard garden, but it will allow you to grow a wide range of vegetables, fruits, and herbs.

2. Terrace

Another excellent location for a kitchen garden is on the terrace of your house. You can easily find a space for a kitchen garden in this area. Since it is exposed to the sun all day, it will be a great place to start your kitchen garden. You can even add a small fountain in the garden to make it more aesthetically pleasing.

3. Patio

If you have a patio, it would be ideal for installing a kitchen garden there. It’s perfect for cultivating a wide range of veggies, crops, and herbs. It has all the necessary facilities for gardening, including soil, water, and sunlight. They are spacious and provide ample light for plants to grow.

4. Window ledge

If you have limited space, window sills offer a desirable location for your kitchen home garden. You’ll enjoy fresh vegetables and make even the most basic place seem fantastic.

5. Balcony

You could install a kitchen garden on your balcony whether you reside in a flat or condominium. A balcony is perfect for a kitchen garden because it is easily accessible and requires minimal maintenance. You can even install a small kitchen garden on a balcony without compromising on the area’s look.

Kitchen Garden

6. Containers

You can still cultivate a kitchen garden within a container when you may not have a good area for one. Containers are easy to move around, so you can quickly relocate them from one spot to another. You can also buy containers for your kitchen garden from online stores. But make sure to keep two things in mind:

  • Adequate space for the plants to thrive
  • Containers should have drainage holes to prevent water from accumulating in the pot.

Use of Soil

The cornerstone of your kitchen garden is soil. Soil should be made of organic matter, which means it should contain plenty of nutrients and be well-drained. You could either purchase the compost pile from a store or online or end up making your own. You’ll have to learn how to cultivate the soil for your garden. Remember that the usual mix is a 1:1:1 ratio of manure, cocopeat, and garden soil.

Knowing the type of soil, you need to buy is essential since it is directly related to the kind of plant you wish to grow. You can choose between a mix of sand and pebbles, soil, and compost. The soil is essential for growing vegetables and other kitchen garden plants. Compost helps retain moisture and provides nutrients to the soil.

If you’re using containers, add several stones or crumbled thermoplastic composite bits to keep them and avoid blocking. Drizzle little water on the soil before planting seeds and vegetables. You have to water the plants once a day to keep them healthy. Overwatering, however, can lead to rot.

Everyone has to be aware of these kitchen garden ideas

1. A Kitchen Garden entry should be made

You have the option to grow plants vertically and also horizontally when gardening in an occupied chamber, so you can utilise these techniques as one of your designs to divide your kitchen garden ideas from the rest of your house. To make more area for plants on the ground surface, arcades and pergolas can be utilised to support climber plants like beans or even pumpkins.

2. Kitchen Garden arrangement is important

The best and most effective way to organise your garden is by using containers and pots. You could be as innovative as you want to be and fit several plants in one pot, which allows you to line the garden area in the most appealing way. Additionally, this will encourage the use of several plants and creative small-space utilisation.

3. Select Kitchen Garden plants that also look great

A bonus mark is given to plants that are simple to grow and even look good in a small space. In addition to the kitchen area, you may grow them in flowerbeds or in planters as a stand-alone feature.

Swiss spinach is the greatest type for flavour, as well as being the one that gives you a sufficient quantity of greens all year long. Its magnificent deep red and yellow stems appear so lovely that they are frequently cultivated as an aesthetic plant.

Furthermore, beetroot is yet another attractive kitchen garden plant with similarly magnificent red-veined leaves that requires very little work to cultivate.

Pick your favourite from juicy strawberries, beautiful tomatoes, and attractive herbs for the best home cooking experience.

4. Set Up A Personal Herb Garden

The majority of herb garden ideas are low upkeep, do not even occupy much area, give an immediately calming pleasant fragrance, and look beautiful as well, making them an instant improvement to your kitchen garden.

The ones that are the simplest to cultivate are peppermint, basil, parsley, thyme, and rosemary. You can simply leave even the most basic soil types alone to do their thing.

Although these are equally simple to cultivate, chives (which have the extra benefit of having purple pompom flowers), mint, and coriander prefer moisture absorption environments. They will love to be placed in a shaded window space.

5. Improve the Soil

Compared to blooming plants, vegetables consume the soil somewhat more quickly, so if you want better crops, you should replenish the soil. Use fertilisers to top off the micronutrients after enriching your soil with well-rotted manure and compost.

Thoroughly research the preferred type of soil for the veggies you are planting. You’ll require granular, well-drained soil for root vegetables, such as carrots. Soil that is too moist or dry will affect the growth of the veggies.

Vegetables Raised in a Kitchen Garden

Do you wish to create a vegetable garden of your own? So here are a few examples of veggies you can cultivate:

1. Beans

You can grow beans indoors or out. You either cultivate them from scratch or sow pre-grown seeds. If starting from scratch, ensure the soil is kept damp and warm. The seedlings will sprout in about ten days.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is an excellent weather crop that needs a lot of sunshine and warmth. To grow broccoli, choose a sunny window or balcony. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. After the plants reach the size of 1.5 inches, you can transplant them into a larger container.


3. Tomatoes

One of the most popular veggies to grow in a kitchen garden is tomatoes. They require specific producing environments, including heat, light, and moisture. Tomatoes are also very versatile in terms of taste and flavor. The best part about growing them in a kitchen garden is that you don’t have to spend much money on them. Seeds must be planted inside and then transplanted outside when they are ready. Once they are out, you will need to give them lots of sun and water.

4. Peas

Peas are another favorite among kitchen gardeners. They’re a good supplier of high-fiber foods. You can sow them directly in the ground or start them indoors and transplant them outdoors once they are ready.

5. Potatoes

Potatoes are among the most common vegetables to cultivate in a kitchen garden. They’re also one of the most uncomplicated plants to grow. They are very forgiving of conditions, and you can grow them in various soils.

They need moderate sunlight and a lot of water to thrive. Potatoes are best grown in a greenhouse or a sunny window. Next, you will need to plant them in the soil and cover them with mulch.

6. Onions

Onions are ideally planted between the period of August and October. To produce a fresh batch of fungicide-free onions:

  1. Put onion seedlings in a sunny place in well, fertilized soil.
  2. Plant the seeds in the ground 1 inch deep.
  3. Keep a half-inch or greater spacing among each source.
  4. Whether placing columns straight in the yard, leave at least 1.5 to 2 feet between columns.

Onion seeds generally mature in 7-10 days.


Herbs to Plant in the Kitchen Garden

1. Rosemary

Rosemary is one of the most versatile herbs used in cooking, baking, and even as a breath freshener. This is one of the most popular herbs in the kitchen garden because of its wide range of uses. It is an excellent addition to the kitchen garden as it can grow in almost all climates. You can grow this herb in a sunny location.

2. Thyme

Another herb that could be cultivated in a kitchen garden is thyme. It is often used in soups, stews, and other dishes. This herb can be grown in a sunny location and pots or planters.

3. Peppermint

This hardy perennial herb grows in moist soil and is best planted in the spring. It grows well in a sunny location and needs a lot of water. It can be cultivated either in containers or in the ground. Peppermint is used in culinary and natural medicines and has a sweet scent.

 4. Basil

Basil is an aromatic herb that is used in cooking. It is also known as sweet basil. It is a hardy herb that grows well in hot and cold weather.

Kitchen Garden Ongoing maintenance

1. Watering

Watering is crucial for efficient plant growth. Keep in mind the soil is damp but not soaked. Use a drip watering device to irrigate your plants.

2. Mulching

Mulching is an integral part of kitchen gardening. The mulch maintains the soil’s warm and hydrated while cultivating root crops; this is crucial.

Kitchen Garden

3. Fertilizing

Fertilizing is a must when growing vegetables. Fertilize your plants once every two weeks. You can apply fertilizer to the soil, the leaves, or both. Fertilizers can be bought from the store.

4. Weeding

Weeding is a vital part of kitchen gardening. It is essential to weed regularly to prevent weeds from taking over your kitchen garden.

5. Pest Control

Pests are always a problem in the kitchen garden. Using pest control measures, keeping the pests away from your plants is vital.


The kitchen garden is a great way to add fun to your home. It is also an excellent way to get fresh produce for your family.

What’s So Great About Indoor Gardening?

As a society, we are rapidly moving away from outdoor gardening, so it’s essential to be aware of how much time and money indoor gardening can save you in the long run. In addition, it’s easy to see how the plants look better and the ease of use and convenience, which is another big selling point of indoor gardening. There are so many reasons why growing plants indoors is easier and cheaper than producing them outside. It helps save your money and enables you to obtain them throughout the year. Also, indoor gardening provides the perfect environment for plants to grow. Plants may be produced in nearly any lighting, which is convenient!

How to Start Indoor Gardening?

It’s easy to start an indoor garden. Just select the plant you wish to cultivate and then a planter to go with it. Then it becomes simply a concern of planting it. That’s all there is to it. You ought to decide where to keep your plant once you’ve obtained it. Immediately after planting, it’s important to fertilize your plants and water them daily. If you feed them the required amount of water, they will bloom and thrive. Depending on the kind of plants you’re cultivating, the amount of water you provide will vary.

indoor gardening

Types of Indoor Gardening

Indoor gardening comes in many different types, including hydroponic gardening, water culture gardening, etc.

  1. Indoor gardening that uses a nutrient solution is known as hydroponic gardening. This type of indoor gardening is very similar to growing plants in a hydroponic greenhouse. The main difference is that indoor gardening is done in a closed environment, while hydroponic gardening is done in a greenhouse.

Hydroponic gardening is a popular type of indoor gardening because it provides the perfect environment for plants to grow. In a hydroponic greenhouse, you could cultivate any plant. Also, hydroponic gardening is effortless to set up. You won’t have to invest a lot, and getting started is clear and straightforward.

  1. The second type of indoor gardening is water culture gardening. It’s similar to hydroponic gardening, but it uses a more natural growing medium. Indoor gardening of this type takes the minimum effort. It’s effortless to establish and maintain. Almost any vessel could be used to grow plants.
  2. The third type of indoor gardening is soil-based gardening. For soil-based gardening, you will need to provide the plants with nutrients. Soil-based gardening also offers many benefits, such as saving space, being able to grow plants in almost any lighting condition, and saving money on electricity.

A quick guide to Houseplants

Here are 7 of the most significant house plants to grow.

1. Herbs

Herbs are a great way to start your indoor gardening adventure. They’re not difficult to grow, and the herbs you can grow inside are adaptable. You can use them in various ways, such as adding them to your favourite recipes or using them to make your favourite tea.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are among the best widely grown indoor plants. They are an excellent plant to grow as they can be cultivated at diverse locations. They’re effortless to maintain. You may grow them in nearly any form of light, including in dark rooms.

3. Lettuce

It’s one of the most common and easiest plants to cultivate indoors. You don’t even have to water them, which is ideal for people who are short on time and energy. Lettuce is also one of the most versatile plants to grow. It can be used in a variety of forms. It’s delicious in salads, sandwiches, and garnish.

4. Peppers

Peppers are another easy plant to grow indoors. They are inexpensive to produce and can be grown in nearly any form of lighting. Because they are tolerant plants, you could cultivate them in any room of your home.

5. Spinach

You can grow spinach indoors in any light condition. It is a low maintenance plant that thrives in a variety of conditions. It grows well in a swinging planter as well. You can grow it in almost any room of the house, and it will keep you healthy all year round.

6. Peace Lily

The Peace Lily is a popular houseplant that’s easy to grow, beautiful to look at, and a great source of Vitamin D. The Peace Lily has a round, velvety, shiny green leaf and a white flower almost identical to the actual flower of the Lily. It can grow in any lighting condition and is very easy to care for.

7. Spider Plant

The spider plant is a great houseplant to own inside the house. It’s simple to cultivate, and they look fantastic. It would help if you bought a small pot, filled it with soil, and planted the spider plant. The spider plant will do the rest. It will grow in any lighting condition and will thrive in any home. Spider plants are also good air purifiers, which is excellent if you have allergies or asthma.

Indoor Gardening

Indoor Gardening’s Advantages

Indoor gardening has numerous advantages. These are some of the most significant benefits:

1. It is cost-effective.

When you’re gardening outside, you need to spend money on many things, such as a garden, plants, soil, seeds, pots, lighting, and even a space to grow in. When you’re growing up indoors, you can save money on these things. You can get everything you need for indoor gardening for a fraction of the price you would spend if you were growing them outdoors.

2. It’s easier.

When you’re growing plants indoors, you have a much easier time gardening than you would if you were growing them outdoors. This is because you can keep everything under control, and you don’t have to worry about the weather, pests, or other issues that come with growing outside.

3. You can get your plants year-round.

Another significant benefit of indoor gardening is getting your plants year-round. When you grow plants indoors, you can have them any time of year. They are obtainable as soon as January and as later as December. If you grow them in the winter, you can also get them in the summer.

4. It’s safer.

Indoor gardening is safer than growing them outdoors. When growing plants indoors, you don’t have to worry about the weather or other things that can harm your plants. You can grow them in a place where they are safe from pests and insects and harmful weather.

5. You can save space.

When you’re growing plants indoors, you don’t have to worry about space, which is another benefit. You can produce your plants in small pots, so you don’t have to worry about finding enough space.

You’ll need to start them in a seedling tray or a peat pot. It’s essential to preserve them moist and fertilize them regularly. You could also add fertilizer to the soil you’re cultivating.

6. Improve Overall Health

Indoor gardening is also beneficial to one’s health. It aids in the ingestion of more oxygen into your body and the enhancement of your mood.

7. Live Green

When you grow plants indoors, you can also live green. You can grow them in an environment as green as you want it to be. You can use natural plants, and you can even get some organic ones.

8. Save Energy

When you’re growing plants indoors, you can also save energy. You don’t have to worry about raising them in a greenhouse, which takes a lot of energy.


When you’re looking to start indoor gardening, it’s essential to know what you’re doing. You need to be aware of the plants you are growing and learn to care for them. This will help you get the most out of your gardening experience. Please get in touch with us if you have any queries about indoor gardening. We are pleased to answer any inquiries you may have.

The Comprehensive Guide to Indoor Plants

Today when you think about interior design, apart from all of those décors you plan to add to your house, indoor plants are also becoming one of the essential elements. The very thought of greenery would bring positive energy to mind. Greenery has the power to brighten up the space instantly. These plants are considered one of the best additions, whether at home or office. If you care for indoor plants, we present our ultimate guide to provide you with all the necessary information for all those plant lovers.

What are indoor plants, and how do you plant them?

The name says that indoor plants are grown indoors, whether at home or in the office. Different plants can easily thrive indoors without much need for sunlight or care. It is all about identifying the correct plant that would suit well in the ambiance you want to place it in. Talking about planting them, many a time, these plants are placed in containers; hence there is not much need for planting them. If you feel that the plant has grown too large, replant it in a larger container.

What are the benefits of having indoor plants?

Having indoor plants come along with its host of benefits. Few of them are,

  • Improvement in the quality of air.
  • Reduction in the noise
  • Attractive and appealing
  • Lifting mood
  • Reducing the Sick Building Syndrome

indoor plants

What influences indoor plants?

Five main things can influence the overall health of the indoor plant. Those five influencers are temperature, sunlight, water, moisture or humidity, what container it has been planted in, and the soil used.

  • Light: Before you purchase an indoor plant, this is one of the essential things to be considered. The exact amount of light required would be dependent on the plant you are growing. Less sunlight would mean less or slow growth and smaller leaves for a few. In certain places, artificial lights can also be used if there is not enough sunlight. Too much sunlight can also harm the plant. Hence there is a need to research thoroughly before purchasing an indoor plant.
  • Temperature: The temperature of the room where plants are placed is also of significant influence for the plants to survive. If the indoor plants are placed in an area with a high temperature, there would be more respiration and transpiration, similar to sweating. High or hot temperatures can tend to burn the plants.
  • Water: Less or more water can also cause harm to the plant. Hence there is a need to identify which plants need how much water. This may surely take some time to figure out as you get used to taking care of the plant. But the amount of water required is also influenced by other factors such as the temperature of the environment, light availability, and size of the plant. Big plants would mean more water; similarly, plants in hot areas would need more moisture than those in cool places. But these are just assumptions since not all plants work by this rule.
  • Humidity: Humidity is hard to control, but it can also profoundly impact the overall health of indoor plants. Humidity is the level of moisture that is present in the air. Less humidity would mean more transpiration, leading to more moisture usage and drying quickly. Hence maintaining an ideal humidity level is of utmost importance.

How to prune the indoor plants?

Yes, indoor plants can also be pruned. The right time would be whenever you want to unless you feel that the plant has specific requirements for pruning during a certain period. There would be a need to cut off any dead leaves or flower heads much sooner so that you ensure that the plants stay fresh always.

There is always a need to cut back the old growth to allow new growth to take over. You can also prune in a certain way to encourage the plants’ growth in the desired direction. If not for complete pruning, you can also go in for just pinching off those buds or the leaves with the help of your fingernails.

Indoor Plants

What are the common indoor plants?

A few examples of common indoor plants are as follows:

  • Succulents
  • Ferns
  • Pothos
  • Dracaena
  • Philodendrons
  • Aglaonema
  • English Ivy
  • Areca Palm

Which plants need less amount of sunlight?

Indoor plants that would need less sunlight can be placed in areas with dim light. Few of the plants that would need less light are:

  • Dracaena
  • Philodendron
  • Peace Lily
  • Pothos

Which plants are best for purifying the air and boosting the mood?

We all know that indoor plants are best for purifying the air from any harmful toxins. These plants also lift your mood when you feel stressed out and down.

  • Peace Lily
  • Rubber Plant
  • Boston Fern
  • Golden Pothos
  • Snake plant
  • Spider Plant
  • Aloe Vera
  • English Ivy
  • Gerbera Daisy

Which indoor plants are more accessible to take care of?

Certain indoor plants are low maintenance; hence not much needs to be done to take care of them.

  • Snake plant
  • Aloe Vera
  • Peace Lily
  • Succulents
  • Spider Plant
  • Herbs
  • Cacti

Which is the best kind of fertilizer for the indoor plant?

You can go to the shop and check for the label “For indoor plants.” There is less need for fertilizer for plants planted inside the house than those planted outside. Hence make use of the exact rate that has been mentioned on the label of the pack.

Indoor plants

How to care for indoor plants?

Just getting the plant and planting it indoors would not complete your work. It is also essential to understand how much care would be needed. There are some which hardly need much care. A few of the caring tips include.

  • Do not water the plant at all times.
  • Inspect the plants on a timely basis for the presence of any pests or insects
  • Ensure that the plants are planted in sterile soil to minimize the chances of fungus.
  • Avoid dry weather for the plants else; they would start dying
  • Provide the right amount of light based on what plant you have selected.
  • Do not place plants near any troubled spots.


Indoor plants are a wonderful way to liven up and freshen up your space. They detoxify the air that we inhale by absorbing toxins. These plants could also be a wonderful way to unwind.

If you opt to cultivate your own indoor plants, make sure you select the appropriate plants for your area. It’d be beneficial if you chose indoor plants that are easy to care for and flourish. Blooming indoor plants are more inclined to be healthier. I hope you found this post informative and that you enjoy cultivating indoor plants.

Hydroponic Gardening: A Step-By-Step Guide

If you’re a fan of gardening but hate spending time in the hot sun, you might want to consider growing your food instead of buying it at the grocery store. This step-by-step guide will provide you with the knowledge and practical experience needed to start growing your organic plants hydroponically. In this guide, you’ll learn how to build a hydroponic system, grow vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers, and harvest your food. Hydroponics is the most common method of growing plants indoors. It offers an alternative to the traditional farming method, which often involves using soil, sunlight, and rainwater to grow plants.

Hydroponic gardening is not for everyone, but it can be a fun and rewarding hobby that’s also environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Hydroponic gardening doesn’t require much space, and it can even be done in small spaces. It’s also an ideal hobby for people who want to grow their food but don’t have much time to devote to gardening.

1. Set Up a Water-Only System

Before you can begin growing your organic food, you’ll need to get started with a hydroponic system. This system is also called a water-only system because it uses water instead of soil to grow plants. Water-only systems are much easier to set up than soil-based gardening systems, and they can be used indoors. They’re also more cost-effective and require less maintenance than soil-based gardening.

To set up a water-only system, you’ll need to purchase essential supplies, such as a hydroponic nutrient solution, a hydroponic nutrient solution dispenser, and a pump. You’ll also need a nutrient solution bottle, a reservoir, and a filter.

A hydroponic system is comprised of two main parts: a nutrient tank and a growing chamber. The nutrient tank or the producing chamber can both be used to cultivate plants. In the nutrient tank, you can grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers, and in the growing chamber, you can grow fruits. A clear glass panel separates the nutrient tank and growing chamber.

2. Build a Nutrient-Rich Medium

When you’re setting up your water-only system, you’ll also need to create a nutrient-rich medium, a mixture of nutrients and water used to grow plants. Peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, or lava rock are commonly used as potting mediums.

The medium is usually placed in a growing tray, which is a tray that’s used to grow plants. The tray is usually made of plastic, but you can also use a tray made of wood or ceramic.

3. Feed Your Plants Properly

Feeding your plants properly is an essential part of hydroponic gardening. If you feed your plants too little, they’ll grow slowly and produce less food. If you feed them too much, they’ll increase, but they won’t produce enough food to support their growth. You have to focus on providing your plants with the nutrients they need to produce fresh food when you feed them. You’ll want to make sure that you feed your plants the right amount of nutrients so that they’ll grow and produce as much food as possible.

4. Grow vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers

Hydroponic gardening is a great way to grow vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers. There are several different methods of growing plants hydroponically, including growing them in nutrient-rich water and using grow bags. Grow bags are made from a porous material that allows water to flow through them, so it’s a great way to grow plants without using soil. Grow bags are simple to set up and maintain, and they may be reused multiple times.

5. Select the Right Seeds

To grow healthy plants, you need to choose the right seeds. You could either get seedlings from a nursery or start from seeds you’ve grown at home. If you grow your seeds, you’ll want to use the best quality seeds that you can get your hands on. The following seeds will grow the best hydroponic plants: Tomato, Pea, Cucumber, Pepper, Broccoli, Spinach, Cabbage, Watermelon.

6. Harvest and Dry your Plants

Harvesting your plants is an integral part of hydroponic gardening. Whenever your plants are ready for harvesting, you should only harvest them up. If you harvest them too soon, you’ll lose the nutrients they need to grow. If you’re producing fruits and vegetables, wait until they’re mature before plucking them. You can use your harvest to make herbal tea, or you can dry your plants to use in other ways. When your plants are ready to be harvested, you’ll need to make sure that you’re able to dry them for storage. It’s important to dry your plants before you harvest them because you don’t want to let them go to waste. Drying your plants is a great way to preserve the food that you’ve grown.

7. Clean Your Plants

It’s essential to clean your plants regularly to remove any dirt, debris, and insects that might have found their way into your plants. Cleaning your plants is a great way to prevent them from getting diseases, and it can also help to make sure that they’re growing as healthy as possible. You’ll need to clean your plants regularly, and you have to do this in a safe way for your plants. You might clean your plants with a spray bottle and a garden hose. You can also cleanse them using a soft toothbrush or a sponge.

8. Make Homemade Fertilizer

You can make your homemade fertilizer to feed your plants. You’ll want to use a combination of compost and fish emulsion to make your fertilizer. Fish emulsion is a great way to feed your plants because it contains the nutrients needed to grow and produce as much food as possible. You can make your fish emulsion by using a blender and blending up fish emulsion, then adding compost. Do not use fish emulsion that contains mercury because it can be harmful to your plants.

9. Manage Your Plants Properly

If you’re growing plants hydroponically, you’ll need to manage them properly. It’s essential to consider the amount of light your plants absorb. You must ensure that your plants receive sufficient sunlight to flourish healthily. If you’re growing plants indoors, you should know when to water them and when it’s time to harvest them. You can use a digital thermometer to know when it’s time to water your plants, and you can use a soil thermometer to know when it’s time to harvest your plants. You should also be paying attention to how much water your plants are released in. Don’t overwater your plants because you’ll run the risk of having them rot.


Hydroponic gardening is a great way to grow healthy plants and have all of the nutrients that they need to grow. It’s also a great way to save money because you don’t have to buy the soil or fertilizer to grow your plants. Hydroponic gardening is a beautiful activity that you can begin right now. So, start growing your hydroponic garden and start enjoying the benefits of growing your food.

Please contact us if you have any questions about gardening or hydroponics in Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula, or anywhere else in India.

10 Reasons to Build Green Walls for Your Home

Building green walls may seem like a daunting task. But it’s one of the most cost-effective and energy-efficient ways to improve the beauty of your home while saving money and the environment. So, if you’re wondering whether building a green wall is worth it, here are 10 reasons why it should be.

What Is A Green Wall?

It’s a lot more than just a green wall. Green walls are all about a living, breathing ecosystem that adds beauty, function, and health benefits to your home. It’s a combination of plants, soil, and water that’s integrated into the structure of the wall itself. But it’s not just about plants, soil, and water. It’s also about making your home more sustainable and energy-efficient.

A green wall is an extension of your home’s outdoor landscaping. It’s a way to incorporate plants and other living things into your home’s interior space. It can also be a cost-effective way to create privacy, reduce energy consumption, and save money.

10 Benefits of a Green Wall

1. Reduce Energy Costs: Inexpensive, effective, and versatile

Building a green wall can reduce your energy bills. It is one of the most energy-efficient and cost-effective ways to improve the appearance of your home. The first thing to consider is that a green wall can improve your home’s insulation. It can also block heat and humidity, which can keep your home cooler and more comfortable. A green wall is a perfect barrier to keep out the elements. And, since it’s made of plants, it will naturally absorb humidity, which can also help to reduce mold and mildew growth.

2. Green Walls Help Cool Your Home

Living Green walls can also help your home feel cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. On the contrary, painted white walls can make your home feel hotter and stickier. On the other hand, the green walls can help keep your home cool and comfortable by absorbing heat. And, if you live in a hot, humid climate, you can even use green walls to cool your home.

3. Green Walls Create a Unique Look

The green walls can help to create a unique look that’s not found in other types of walls. For example, you can create a vertical garden in your home by growing herbs and vegetables on the wall. Or you can also add a green wall to a home’s entryway or patio, which can make your home look more welcoming and inviting.

4. Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

A green wall can help to make your home more eco-friendly. It can help you feel more connected to nature, which can be a great way to boost your mood and reduce stress. It can also help to increase your sense of well-being. For example, you can use a green wall to create a rain garden. You can use plants and shrubs to create a natural, organic look. It’s also a great way to bring the outdoors inside. So, if you’re looking for a way to relax, this can be a great option.

5. Green Walls Improve Air Quality

Green walls also improve air quality. They can help reduce allergens, pollutants, and dust, which can be a big problem in the summer. A green wall can absorb pollutants and dust and help purify the air.

6. Help Prevent Groundwater Contamination

The green walls can also help to prevent groundwater contamination. This is a great way to prevent rainwater from entering your home. It can help to reduce the amount of moisture in your home. This can help to prevent flooding and mold.

7. Green Walls Reduce Water and Soil Pollution

A green wall can help reduce water and soil pollution as it can help absorb excess water and pollutants. This can be a great way to prevent flooding and mold. It can help filter out harmful pollutants, and it can also help purify the water. That is why it’s a great way to reduce runoff and soil erosion. And, if you live in an area with high levels of pollution, it can also help filter the air.

8.  Green Walls Improve Home Security

A green wall can also help to improve home security. It helps to block out the elements, which can help to reduce the amount of sunlight and heat that can come in through your windows.

9. Improve Habitat for Wildlife

A green wall can also help improve habitat for wildlife because a green wall can help create a natural, organic look. This can be a great way to attract birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. It can help to create a haven for them, and this can be a great way to reduce stress and help calm your home.

10. Improve the View from Your Porch and Patio

A green wall can also help to improve the view from your porch and patio. It helps to create a focal point in your home. It can help reduce the amount of noise, which can be a great way to calm your home. It can also help to reduce the amount of glare from your windows. This can be a great way to help create a beautiful and calming view. It also makes your porch and patio feel more private and help to make your home look more inviting.


Green walls can help to improve your home in many ways. So, if you’re looking for a way to improve your home, you should consider adding a green wall. After that, you can get the peace and tranquility you need and help create a more beautiful and inviting home.

The Ultimate Guide to a Vertical Garden

It seems like everyone is talking about vertical gardens these days. From the home garden to the office patio, it’s no secret that vertical gardens are a great way to get the most out of your space. They’re indeed one of the quickest and most enjoyable options to begin gardening. A vertical garden is one of the most sustainable types of gardens because it saves space and creates a better environment for plant life. It isn’t just affordable but also simple to clean and care for. In this guide, you will find everything from the design to the plant selection and how to install a vertical garden yourself.

What is a Vertical Garden?

By comparison, a traditional garden is flat, and the plants are usually grown in rows. On the other hand, a vertical garden is grown vertically, and the plants grow up. This makes it a very space-saving gardening method and a great alternative to a traditional garden. Too many people have an overabundance of space and do not know what to do with it. This is an excellent method to make the most out of limited space.

A vertical garden can be an indoor or outdoor garden but is usually an indoor garden. The benefits of growing your food are endless, and this type of garden will allow you to grow a variety of plants, fruits, and veggies in a space-saving way. You can place the plants in various containers, such as planters, hanging baskets, hanging pots, and more. They are often used for herbs, fruits, veggies, and flowers. Consequently, they can be used to decorate a patio, balcony, terrace, or porch.

Design Tips for Vertical Gardens

  1. To design a vertical garden, you need to know the size of your space. This is very important because you need to make sure that the plants will fit and grow and thrive in your garden. The plants must be grown widely – allowing sunlight to reach the soil.
  2. You should also make sure that the wind or rain will not damage the plants. The containers need to be placed at least 8 feet apart. The height of the containers should be at least 8 inches.
  3. If you plan on using a hanging container, make sure that the container is secure and that it will not fall over or be damaged by the wind.
  4. A greenhouse is a good option for a vertical garden. This is because the greenhouse provides the right amount of light to grow.
  5. Make sure that you use the proper type of soil. It will keep the plants alive and healthy.
  6. Select plants that could grow in your area. A nursery can provide you with the best options available for your region.

How Do You Create a Vertical Garden?

As I have said before, vertical gardens are very easy to start. These do not necessitate loads of effort, expense, or attention. All you need is a container, some soil, and a few plants. This type of garden can be created in various methods. However, the most popular is using a hanging container.

  1. To build a vertical garden, you should first select a container. The container must be created of a material that allows the plants to flourish and grow. You can use hanging baskets, a planter, or hanging pots as your container of preference.
  2. Fill your container with the proper type of soil. Make very sure the soil is moist but not excessively wet. Fill the container about ⅔ full with the soil.
  3. Cover over your plant with much more soil and set it in the center of the container. Plants should be spaced out so that they are not packed alongside. Ensure that there is at least a ⅓ of an inch gap between each plant and between each side of a plant and its container wall.
  4. Water them well, but do not overwater it! Overwatering will cause you to lose some plants.
  5. Place your garden where it will get plenty of light. You must ensure that they gets the right amount of light but does not get too much sun.

Plants to Use in Vertical Gardens

In your vertical garden, you can involve a wide range of plants. Herbs, vegetables, and flowers are among the most prevalent plants.

  1. Herbs are a great choice . They’re simple to maintain and don’t require a lot of attention. These are wonderful ways to give your home a pleasant, refreshing fragrance. Some of the most common herbs that you can use are basil, rosemary, mint, oregano, parsley, thyme, sage, and more.
  2. Vegetables are also an excellent choice for a vertical garden. These are an amazing option for people who want to cultivate their organic food. You can grow vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and more.
  3. Flowers are also one of the great choice for a vertical garden. These plants add color and beauty to your home, and they make it feel alive. Some of the most common flowers that you can grow includes petunias, snapdragons, marigolds, daisies, pansies, lilies, violets, tulips, and more.
  4. Many different plants could be used in your garden. Try to think of what type of plant would work best in your home or apartment. You want something that will grow but will not take up too much space.

Plants for a Vertical Garden: Where Can You Find Them?

You can buy plants for your garden from a variety of places. Some of the most common places to buy plants include your local garden center, a nursery, a farm stand, and a local grocery store. You can also find plants for sale on the internet.


A vertical garden is a great concept to brighten your home or apartment with colors and liveliness. These gardens are easy to make and maintain, and they can work well in various areas. Take some time to plan out your vertical garden, buy the right plants, and then start growing. We hope that you’ve found this post helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us today at Air-grow. We’d love to hear from you!

Top 13 Gardening Tips for Beginners

Never participated in gardening earlier? No worries; not all are blessed with a huge garden, but this will not dissuade you from embracing your desire for gardening. Gardening is both enjoyable and fulfilling. What might be healthier than having vegetables you’ve raised yourself or enjoying a delicious meal on the terrace while accompanied by the odor of your fragrant plants? Organic fruits, veggies, plants, and blossoms brighten up a patio. However, if you’re a first-time gardener, there are several factors you must consider before getting started. Air-Grow will be there to help you every step along the way. Here are some easy-to-follow tips to assist you in getting started with your home gardening.

Take a look at these 13 basic gardening ideas below.


1. Get to recognize your garden.

It’s a great strategy to get to discover your area before you begin. Examine the orientation – is it towards the south or north? Recognizing where the sunlight falls to the ground would assist you in determining what to plant and where to grow it. Also, it’s crucial to identify precisely what form of soil you have. A soil test will enable you to learn more about your earth and, as an outcome, what plants you can cultivate.

2. Choose the best location.

It is more about the site for establishing a garden, just as it is with property investment. Establish your plants in a prominent spot in your lawn so that you can see them daily (out of sight, out of mind applies to gardening). You’ll be more interested in spending time there this way.


3. Go with the movement of the sun.

As you’re initially starting to gardening, it’s natural to make missteps like failing to understand the amount of sunshine. While deciding on a location for your gardening, pay close attention to how well the sun shines over your landscape. To grow, many edible plants, like many crops, herbs, and fruit and vegetables, require a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight.

4. Make sure you’re near a body of water.

Arranging your garden close to water resources is one of the best landscaping ideas you’ll ever learn. Ensure you could link your garden to a faucet so you might not have to carry the water to it every time your plants require water. Pressing a fingertip 1 inch down into the soil (about one knuckle deep) is the easiest way to determine if plants must be watered. It’s time to rinse if it’s been dry.


5. Initiate with healthy soil.

One of the most valuable aspects of recommendation is to buy good nutritionally, well-drained soil when it comes to planting crops. Submit the samples to the laboratory or use an at-home kit to evaluate the pH level of your soil to check it is healthy enough to sustain plants. Some fruits and vegetables might handle different pH levels, but in general, something between 6.5 and 7 would be sufficient (except for eggplant, melons and potatoes). These three macronutrients, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, should also be examined. If your test shows adverse outcomes, you’ll need to pay a bit more attention to resolving the issues.

6. Select appropriate plants.

It’s necessary to choose plants that are suitable for your growing conditions. It implies planting sun-loving plants in a sunlit area, preferring heat-tolerant crops in hot climates, and providing vines that devour the floor, such as pumpkins and melons, plenty of room (or a trellis to climb). Conduct some research, then choose species that would flourish wherever you reside, and in the area you have accessible. Begin with healthy young plants rather than cultivate from seed to increase exponentially when planting vegetables and herbs.


7. Think about containers.

If storage is restricted, consider using containers. Several plants, especially vegetables, spices, blossoms, grapevines, berries, and bushes, could be cultivated in planters. Whenever planting in containers, choose a big pot to hold the plants. It’s not only created to aid potted plants to grow, but this also protects from over-and-under watering.

8. Find your safe zone.

Identifying your “resilience zone” might aid you in selecting the most suitable plants. Defined indicates the most excellent climate in which a plant may thrive. The hotter the weather, the higher the zone number. So, if a species claims “hardy to zone 4” and you live in zone 5, it will thrive in your garden. While you live in zone 3 though, you won’t be able to harvest that specific plant because it’s too frigid.


9. Get to recognize your frost dates.

Growing any plant too soon (or too late) in the seasons could be devastating. You’ll determine your region’s latest regular spring frost date so you wouldn’t damage plants by bringing them out too soon. Also, it’s good to learn when your first average autumn frost date is so that you can pick or transfer your plants inside before the late-season winter destroys them.

10. Feed plants daily.

We’ve just discussed the significance of beginning with rich soil, but even that soil performs optimally when reinforced with high nutrients daily. To look at it another way, great soil combined with high-quality plant food equals excellent garden growth! Therefore, one month after creating your garden, start feeding it with plant food. Remember to follow the instructions on the label.


11.Cover an area with mulch.

Spread a 2 to a 3-inch generous amount of mulch around every plant. You can minimize weed growth and moisture loss through evaporation by hiding the sunlight, requiring less irrigation. Alternatively, you might use a straw, shredded leaves, pine straw, or another locally accessible material.

12. Spice it up a bit

You shouldn’t have to confine yourself to producing only veggies or just herbs. Whenever it refers to your vegetation, it feels easy to experiment. Plant fresh spices in your garden area today. Some plants are excellent companions, yet they might not always generate the same crop.


13. Have some Gardening Equipment

You can quickly put yourself into a terrible situation if you don’t have the appropriate tools or any equipment either. Pliers, trimmers, a garden fork, a hand trowel, spades, a rake, a hoe, a sprayer with an adjustable nozzle, a spraying wand or irrigation bottle, and a wheelbarrow are some of the requirements.

Designing a Pergola for All Lawn Types

We’ve found a huge spike in the use of pergola as many people explore for options to enhance their garden area. Pergolas are described as the ability to create unique and functional landscape design while keeping a tiny footprint that fits perfectly into modest yards. Our creative team brings out a detailed guide for one of Air- Grow’s popular hardscaping ideas, along with costs, equipment, designs, and variations.


What exactly Pergola is?

Pergolas are external buildings that’s been around for ages, firstly emerging in Egypt in 1400 BC. Seventeenth-Century Romans widely used them throughout the Italian Renaissance. They are typically made up of pillars that are sustained by an open-structured ceiling without any boundaries beneath them.

Pergolas: What Are Their Advantages?


Pergolas are created to eliminate the sun’s harsh rays while still allowing sunlight and refreshing air to enter. They typically don’t shade the sun; however, certain designs have louvers or ceiling covers for the complete shade.

Pergolas include a peaceful garden area that is both sheltered and airy. The open sides keep stunning design links with outside, letting the area underneath the roof appear larger than the specifications. Many pergolas are built across external places that would be used for a long time, such as cooking spaces, outdoor kitchens, or sitting places.

Structural elements are usually central in a gardening design and act as style indicators. Modern pergola can make all the other elements of your yard look more contemporary. In reality, pergolas provide the infrastructure for mounting various accessories (which we’ll discuss in the next section).

How Pergola’s are constructed?

The top prominent pergola components are shown below:


1. Wood:

  • Pure and beautiful.
  • Simple to use.
  • Use any tint or color you like.
  • It’s simple to modify into traditional-style decorative elements.
  • Ideal for a do-it-yourself or personalized setup.
  • It used to be more reasonable, however wooden rates have risen. Pergolas made of wood are now a mid-to-high-priced option.
  • The materials that requires the most care and is the less enduring. After a year or so, a new layer of coating is required to protect wooden surfaces from the environment.

2. Fiberglass:

  • Texture is smooth and finer finished than hardwood.
  • Almost any tint could be used.
  • Available in various styles; however, it appears best in contemporary designs.
  • Extremely long-lasting and low-maintenance.
  • It can cover much greater distances than wood, at least 26′ in certain cases, which reduces the number of posts.
  • Historically, it was more costly than lumber; however, it’s priced at a competitive level with aluminum and wood.


3. Aluminum:

  • Almost similar to fiberglass.
  • Sturdy, lightweight, and nearly maintenance-free.
  • The sleek look is best suited to contemporary styles.
  • The colours are powder-coated to eliminate fading over time.

 4. Vinyl:

  • Variant with such a lower price
  • The Pergola has a less appealing look than other pergola components.
  • The majority of hues are confined, and light colored tones being the more popular.
  • Maintenance-free. However, this is not as durable as other materials.

Air-Grow is not a typical source of pergolas made of vinyl (see below for a few of our most popular affordable alternatives)

What does the price of Pergolas?

The kind of Pergola you get, besides from the substance, is premade. The cost of a made -to- order house will be higher. Pergolas that are prefabricated are often less expensive than those that are specially made.


1. Pergola Kits

The most expensive prefabs are kits. Pergola kits are much less robust than customized pergolas, but they are feasible for many people on a budget Kits are most pricey prefabs. Pergola kits are less durable than custom pergolas, but they are more reasonable for several individuals on a strict budgets. Although most kits assure to be DIY-friendly, do not even expecting these to be easy to put together, and they generally won’t be.

2. Prefabs

Stronger prefabricated pergolas need specialized setup, whether by a qualified expert or by the supplier’s workforce. Prefabricated fiberglass, metal, and wooden pergolas costs between ₹5 lakh and ₹10 lakh for a standard-sized pergola, including setup and shipping. In addition, adding additional accessories can cost up to ₹5 Lakh over the typical price.

It is a superior better item which is highly enduring & would seem like a long-lasting landscaping addition at a premium price. There’s also the option of assuring or adding features that pergola kits mayn’t really be fit in.

3. Custom

The cost of a customized pergola varies. Pergolas are inexpensive, however they usually cost around ₹10 lakh. It is possible to maintain prices down by keeping layouts basic. Complicated layouts quickly raise expenses due to more work..

How Are Pergolas Structure Built?


In most cases, implementation is far more complex than it seems. The spikes must be driven into the ground. For most pergolas, this implies installing subterranean concrete pillars for every pillar, as well as for lightweight kits, it normally involves attaching posts to already-constructed decks and concrete slabs.

To fit prefabricated planks, anchoring stakes should be horizontal and aligned properly. They must be separated by half an inch, and you need to anchor the post. They must be spaced by 0.5 cm, and also the stake must be secured. And this is why, even with many pergola kits, we suggest letting an expert assemble your pergola. The cost of contractor installation is typically between ₹20000 and ₹50000, in addition to the price of buying the Pergola; however, it’s typically worth it.

Which Pergola types are offered?


We see pergolas divided into two large buckets: modern and traditional. In essence, traditional pergolas are decorated with ornaments while modern ones don’t.

  • Traditional pergolas usually include ceiling beams protruding from the frame of the Pergola (these ornamental outcrops are known as “rafter tails”). Posts can be either round or square and include ornamentation, whether with tapering sides or strong bases (such options can add to the overall cost). Traditional pergolas with higher-end features may have posts sinking into square bollards with stone or brick veneer. These decoration features are common to the design of wood pergolas. Some pergolas made of fiberglass and vinyl offer appealing versions of these ornamental features. Just be certain to purchase a high-quality product.
  • Modern pergolas are modern and deliberately devoid of ornamentation. The angles are 90 degrees, and the columns are rectangular. It is possible to skew them to appear more rustic by opting for the wood model. Modern pergolas made of aluminum or fiberglass have a more polished look. These can be adapted to different styles of design. Modern white pergolas, in particular, can blend into designs that are otherwise quite typical (picture row of boxes wood, or Hydrangea)

What accessories could I put on my Pergola?


Pergolas create a perfect frame for dangling various items, including Solar features. Certain pergolas have adjustable louvers, which allow you to regulate the amount of shade available under the ceiling. It is also possible to attach shading sails and a retractable screen beneath the ceiling to block the incoming light.

1. Windscreens.

Screens that retract can also be lowered from overhead beams, blocking the incoming light or wind from the sides.

2. Outdoor heaters

We love the low-profile Heat strip, which can be mounted on overhead beams.

3. Lighting

String lights placed around or on the ceiling are a budget-friendly alternative. Lights on decks attached to posts can shine upwards or down or both, like the Volt light can do.


4. Plants

In the past, pergolas were used for supporting grapevines. Plant vines in containers near the bottom of posts and let them grow and spread out to the ceiling to create a desirable and cool environment.

5. Fans

Fans that rotate can be particularly great in warm climates.

 Is there an alternative to Pergolas?


Pergolas have many advantages; however, they’re not the best choice appropriate for every project. If space isn’t abundant, budgets are tight, or if further changes are planned in the future, pergolas might be too heavy, costly, or long-lasting to be practical. If any of the above scenarios occur, we suggest the following pergola alternatives:

1. Umbrellas

Umbrellas are extremely versatile and can be removed if you’re looking to expand the area’s openness. Crate and Barrel makes a beautiful cantilevered umbrella that lets you have shade over your dining space without the need for a pole to be hung over the table.

2. Trees

Our preferred choice. Trees bring a myriad of benefits to property owners and are highly efficient in providing shade and creating the appearance of a cozy, defined outdoor space. Pergolas are made specifically for this purpose. Plant trees at some or all corners to suggest boundaries and create the boundaries of space. The atmosphere is different from the Pergola, but it’s still beautiful.

Shade sails

3. Shade Sails

They are weatherproof fabrics in triangles or squares suspended to float over outdoor areas gracefully. They are held in place by steel cables attached to existing structures or posts to be secured solidly to the ground. An extremely popular style is to use two triangular sails to significantly over the one. Shade sails are priced differently but generally cost between a few and just a couple of Lakh of rupees once installed (new support posts usually add around  ₹20000 to the total cost). There are many shade sail companies available. We suggest you ask your contractor to recommend their preferred local supplier.


A Pergola is a gorgeous addition to any lawn. Its wide open archways and posts create a great place to lounge, eat, and entertain. While a pergola may seem like a simple structure, there are actually a number of factors that go into designing a pergola for any lawn types. Before choosing the ideal location for a pergola, it is essential to take in the surrounding weather, sun exposure, and surrounding landscape. In addition, the budget and desired purpose of the pergola will help determine the best design for it. We hope we have been able to provide some useful insight into the process of designing a pergola for all lawn types. If you have any other questions about designing a pergola, please contact us at or set up a phone conference call for our staff.

14 quick and easy landscaping design ideas for your home

It is spring and that means it’s time to spruce up your home with some new landscaping. Whether you’re looking for a quick fix or something more extensive. There are plenty of landscaping ideas that are all simple enough to complete by yourself and are perfect for small yards or apartments that don’t allow for much gardening space. And they won’t cost you more. You’ll be happy with the results. Check out these quick and easy landscaping designs for your home!

Some Great Landscaping Designs Ideas For Your Home:

Landscaping Designs1. Add a water feature to your lawn

Water is an instant attraction. It’s so peaceful and relaxing, especially when it comes from a water feature in your lawn. You can find small fountains or ponds that fit anywhere and they won’t require a lot of maintenance. Add some colorful stones to the ground around the fountain to make it pop even more!

2. Plant Some Herbs

Herbs are a must-have for any kitchen. Even if you don’t have enough space to plant an entire garden, try planting some herbs for cooking! You’ll never again have to worry about forgetting to buy rosemary or thyme. You can even grow fresh basil indoors on your kitchen windowsill to add some color to your kitchen.

3. Plant some hanging plants indoors

Hanging plants are lovely and can be hung up just about anywhere inside or outside your home. They’re perfect for the space under your kitchen cabinets , above the island in your kitchen, in your balcony or terrace garden or you could use them as decoration on an empty wall! There are plenty of varieties of hanging plants from succulents to ivy, and you can make a statement with one really large plant.

4. Plant a Living Wall

This is perfect for those tight spaces and can be decorated with plants and pictures to fit your own personality and needs. They’re easy to maintain and allow you to grow fresh herbs or vegetables. Living walls are especially great for renters because they can be easily removed without too much hassle.

Lanscaping designs5. Create a path

If you want to add something unique and fun, try creating a stone or brick pathway through your yard and leading up to your front door. This can be done very easily and will give your home a nice touch! It’s also great for the summer when you’re hosting parties outside. You could even plant flowers along the sides of your path to give it that extra special touch.

6. Add some color to your yard with flowers and plants

There are plenty of plants and flowers you can choose from to add color and life to your yard. Try planting some bright red or pink flowers for a pop of color, or even try adding some green vines on the side of your house for an instant jungle-like feel. Both indoor and outdoor plants will make your home look warm and welcoming.

7. Add a bench under a shade tree for seating 

Tree canopies are a wonderful place to relax at the end of a long day, and benches allow you to sit for hours without getting tired. They’re also great places to read a book! This is especially nice if you have an older tree that doesn’t offer much shade anymore. Adding a bench underneath will help keep your guests shaded from the sun and comfortable.

8. Create an outdoor living area with furniture and plants 

There are plenty of outdoor furniture options out there that are perfect for this. Add a couple lounge chairs, an outdoor couch, or even just a pair of comfortable patio chairs if you want to be able to sit outside but aren’t looking to spend too much time outside. You could also plant some flowers near your seating area and decorate with some potted plants, which will instantly bring a pop of color and life to your outdoor living area.

9. Add some colored mulch

Mulch is typically sold at garden stores, home improvement stores or even your local nursery or supermarket. It’s important to choose the right type for your yard so you don’t damage anything underground such as roots or pipes. It’s also important to choose the right color for your mulch because it will add a pop of color that you might not realize was even missing!

Lanscaping designs10. Plant a trees in the front of your property

Trees are perfect for any yard or house because they allow you to embrace the outdoors even if you don’t have a huge yard! They’re especially great for creating shade on your patio, which is great during those hot summer months. This will bring out your creativity and give you the opportunity to plant more flowers or plants around your trees!

11. Add some colorful flowers or plants around your front door

If you have some extra space on either side of your front door, this is the perfect place to add some potted plants or hanging plants if you don’t have a porch. If you’re feeling really creative, try planting some colorful flowers in the pots or hanging baskets to add some color right when you walk up to your front door!

12. Put up some string lights around your patio

String lights are a classic outdoor decorating tool. They can be used to decorate trees, but they’re especially great for lighting up your patio or porch! You can either put them underneath the bottom of your roof (if you have one), or behind and between some potted plants and flowers by the entrance of your porch to create a cozy atmosphere for your guests.

13. Add some solar powered lights to your yard

Solar powered lights are perfect for decorating your yard because they don’t require any wiring (which means you can place them anywhere you want)! You can use them indoors or outdoors on trees or bushes, and they come in all sorts of colors. If you plant your solar powered lights closer to the ground, they’ll emit more light and last longer.

Landscaping designs14. Add some potted flowers to your deck or porch railing for color

This is one of the great landscaping designs idea to add pops of color wherever you don’t have any plants growing already. Potted flowers are cheap and easy to find at garden stores or home improvement stores. Try hanging them by the railing of your deck for a pop of color!


We hope you found these landscaping designs ideas helpful and inspiring. It can be difficult to find ideas for your own backyard, but hopefully these articles have curated some of the best ones for you! Landscaping is a great way to make your yard more aesthetically pleasing and inviting.

About Us

Located in Panchkula with a major focus on Chandigarh & Mohali, Air-Grow is a leading Vertical Living Green Walls provider in India. Air-Grow was founded based on the explosive growth of green technology. We have been installing Artificial Grass Landscapes, Vertical Gardens, Living Walls, Green Walls and Hydroponics at homes and commercial facilities since 1997.

Our products are excellent solutions for hard-to-grow areas, small yards & those looking for inventive and appealing landscaping designs ideas. We offer custom Balcony garden and terrace garden designs, project management, budgeting & cost estimating services, scheduling, oversight & installation of these landscapes. We also support clients with long-term direction of their landscapes to insure their lasting beauty.

How you can start a balcony garden?

A balcony garden is the fastest and easiest way to start growing organic vegetables. You can even sell them later.

If you’re new to gardening, a balcony garden is a good place for an easy and manageable first experience. If you don’t have enough space for constructing your self-grown food empire, you can try to grow some indoors. See here how to build a cheap and easy hydroponics system.

Even if you live in an apartment and don’t have your own apartment balcony garden at all, there are ways for you to succeed with growing vegetables too! First of all, there’s no need to worry about the soil – it’s quite enough to start with a container vegetable garden (if you’re not sure if it’s something for you, see this article).

Balcony Garden

What you need to start a balcony garden?

To start your modern balcony garden design, you basically need four things: a container, seeds, water and sunlight. You can even start growing organic vegetables without soil if you don’t have any or not enough. Just use Rockwool cube.

What plants can be grown in a apartment balcony garden?

It’s a good idea to study up on the veggies you like before you decide to start with your own  home terrace garden or balcony garden design. Overall, I’d say that the balcony is the best place for growing vegetables. It’s easy to keep an eye on the plants and water them, and you don’t have to worry about a lack of sunlight in the wintertime. I’ve listed below some of the easiest and fastest-growing vegetables for balcony gardening:


Cucumbers are the easiest to grow in a balcony garden. They can be grown in a container and are usually harvested within two weeks. Too much sunlight can cause a growth spurt and cause a short time of cucumber ripening, so make sure that the container is at least 30 cm deep and the plants have enough space to grow.


If you like salads and looking for a fast-growing vegetable for your balcony, go for Lettuce. It grows quite fast, and you can harvest the leaves as soon as they’re fully grown.

Lettuce is also quite easy to grow, and you can plant it right after you have planted your cucumbers. Lettuce can be grown in a container or on the ground. The container method is faster and easier.


Tomatoes are easy to grow. They need a lot of sunlight and a lot of water. Harvest them as soon as they start to flower. These plants grow best in the warm, sunny balcony and produce juicy tomatoes for you in less than a year. It would be best to keep in mind that it takes at least a few months for tomatoes to ripen, so make sure that you plant them in the spring or summertime.


They grow well in any weather, but you can plant them in the summer when the weather is warm and sunny. It’s also important to make sure that you plant them at least 30 cm deep and they have enough space to grow.


This is one of the fastest-growing vegetables, and it can be grown in any season. You can also plant it in the ground, producing broccoli within one year. Ensure that the balcony garden plants are well-watered and don’t get too much sunlight.

Eggplant :

Eggplant is a very easy plant to grow; it only needs 6 hours of sunlight a day. It’s easy to harvest and store and can be grown all year long.


Peppers can be grown on a balcony in the summertime, but it’s a bit more difficult to harvest them. They require full sun and are best grown in a warm climate.

How much space is required for your modern balcony garden?

Undeniably, it would help if you had a bit of space. A balcony garden needs at least 50 square meters (the same as 1.5 x 1.5 m). The area you need is just enough to place your containers on. If you don’t have that much space, try to build a raised garden or a small balcony garden. If you’re lucky enough to have a bigger balcony, you can start growing more plants.

You need space for the garden because it’s very important to provide a proper growing environment. A container garden doesn’t require much space, but it doesn’t grow as much as a garden in the ground.

Best Small Balcony Garden Ideas for City Flats

Particularly in an urban lifestyle, a balcony is a vital space in one’s residence. Although balconies are frequently affordable for city residents to have gardens. A balcony garden, if created effectively, has the potential to become the most interesting area of an apartment. Below are some of the most stylish small balcony garden ideas for your flat that look gorgeous and give you a wonderful place to relax!

1. Decorate with plants

Give your balcony a good amount of plants. grow both blooming and non-flowering types. Planters should be hung on the ceilings of your balcony garden, filled with beautiful greenery. Your modest balcony garden ideas’ beauty will be heightened by the greenery. Include spices in your balcony garden to give the area a lovely scent in addition to a luscious, green appearance.

2. Place a swinging seat somewhere

On the balcony roof, opt to add an overhanging, and along with it, a lovely swinging bench. You could use balcony area to sit, unwind, or lie owing to the swing seat outside. You’ll need few comfy cushions, a cup of tea, and the ideal atmosphere to immerse yourself in a few fantastic novels.

3. Furnishing that takes up less room

Select compact furnishings to save space. One of the smartest small balcony garden ideas to maximise the area you have is to include space-saving furniture. Despite occupying much room, comparatively tiny, trendy timber furnishings can enhance the look of your balcony garden.

 4. Pick a cool colour scheme for your balcony garden ideas

Design your balcony garden area with calming and pleasant colours. Cool colour schemes will make people feel tranquil and leisurely. Keep in mind the colour you choose highlights the area’s vegetation.

5. Consider of it as your living area

India’s modest balcony garden designs provide space for implementing your lounge room decor concepts there. Consider the area outside your balcony as an expansion of your living area, and arrange it to be just right for lounging and serving as a sitting room. Add some elaborate carpets, a chic couch set, and glass lamps, and you have a distinctive balcony garden.

6. Candlelight or wall sconces

Install sconce lighting to embellish the wall. They have a classic appearance and give the area a retro or nostalgic feel. These lighting fixtures aim the illumination upward and outward. This type of luminaires is quite old and was once used in conjunction with oil lamps and candles. A cluster of chic candles can also be used to simultaneously light up and adorn the area.

How to arrange plants in the garden?

When you have a balcony garden, you have to arrange your plants in a certain way.

  • You should ensure that you have enough space for them.
  • The other most important thing you have to consider is that you plant your vegetables and herbs in the sun. It’s also important that they don’t get too much direct sunlight. If you’re growing vegetables in a container, you can use a light pot. It will help give your plants a little bit of sunlight, and it will also protect them from being burned by the sun.
  • Plants should be spaced around 2-3 cm from each other. This way, the roots of the plants won’t get too much space, and they’ll grow faster. If you plant them closer to each other, the roots will start to grow into each other, and they’ll start to rot.
  • If you plant them in a container, make sure that the pot is 30 cm deep.

What kind of containers do we require in balcony garden?

Containers come in a variety of shapes and sizes – from window boxes that hang on your windows to big pots. If you’re planning on making a large balcony garden, use plastic or ceramic planters. They are lightweight and easy to move around if necessary.

You can make your own window box by simply attaching wooden slats across the top of a wooden frame.  The slats should be wide enough to hold the soil in. Then, put several inches of soil at the bottom of the wooden frame and hang it on your window!

If you have a small balcony or even just a balcony railing, you can use pots, baskets or other similar containers. Make sure they have good drainage holes so water won’t accumulate there and rot the roots of your veggies. If you have a railing, you can attach wooden planks to it and then put containers on top.

Balcony garden ideas for containers and plants that will grow well on balconies

Balcony Garden

If you decide to span several containers on your balcony railing, use larger pots and plant vegetables that produce fruit (like tomatoes and peppers), as they need more room.

For window boxes and small planters: Herbs (parsley, cilantro or basil) – annuals; Lettuce –  annual; Spinach –  annual; Tomatoes –  perennials.

For rail containers: Cucumbers, Eggplants and Peppers are perennial veggies that produce flowers or fruit on long vines. You can use trellis to help your plants grow straight up. Better if the trellis is near a wall so you can attach the vines to it. For same reasons you can use peas too. They are very fast growing annuals, so if you start them early in the spring they will be ready before hot summer begins.

For standard pots: Potatoes are very popular balcony veggies because they don’t need much space and grow even in poor soil; Onions – very hardy and can be harvested as needed. You can plant them once a year and they will come back every time; Herbs – basil, parsley, oregano – annuals.

How to take care of your balcony garden plants?

Water your plants every day and fertilize them once a week. You can do this very easily by mixing liquid or powder plant food into the water you use to water your plants. Good soil is another thing that is important for healthy veggies. If you don’t have enough organic nutrients in the soil, add compost, worm castings or other organic matter.

Growing Season

The most important thing to remember about growing veggies is that some of them are annuals (plants that die at the end of one growing season), while others are perennials (plants that live more than one year). As a rule, annual veggies grow much faster and can give you food in less than half a year. Perennial veggies take even up to two years to start bearing good fruit or flower buds.

Balcony Garden

How to make a balcony garden design looks more beautiful?

As I have said, you can grow plants in any container. But if you want to make your balcony garden design more attractive, you should consider using a pot with a lid. It is one of the great balcony garden ideas that you can try out. You can also add some balcony garden accessories such as hanging baskets, planters and birdbaths. If you don’t have enough space for a balcony garden, you can still create a small patio garden. You can add some decorations like green walls, flowers, a table and chairs, vines, or you can make your own decorations. You can use flower pots or pots made of stone, glass or metal or you can use old flower pots and use metal cans or a wooden box.

The only problem is that you have to remember to water the plants regularly, and the more decorations you add, the more you have to water. So it’s better to make your decorations and use containers with lids.

Maintenance tips for keeping your plants healthy and thriving all summer long

Water your plants every day and fertilize them once a week.  Make sure to put some mulch over the soil – it will keep moisture in, prevent weeds and make weeding easier; If you’re using balconies with railings, consider build balcony vertical garden design or planting vertically (on walls or fences); You can use fabric pots as they allow water to flow through; Use organic plant food; If you notice some insects eating your plants, try to spray them with natural pesticide. You can make one by mixing garlic (which is very safe for humans) with water and soap (dish detergent). 


Of course this list looks like a long one, but if you have small balcony or even just a small planter box outside, you can grow lots of your favorite veggies!

About Us

Located in Panchkula with a major focus on Chandigarh & Mohali, Air-Grow is a leading Vertical Living Green Walls provider in India. Air-Grow was founded based on the explosive growth of green technology. We have been installing Artificial Grass Landscapes, Vertical Gardens, Living Walls, Green Walls and Hydroponics at homes and commercial facilities since 1997.

interior designer in Ludhiana

Our products are excellent solutions for hard-to-grow areas, small yards & those looking for inventive and appealing landscaping designs ideas. We offer custom Balcony garden and terrace garden designs, project management, budgeting & cost estimating services, scheduling, oversight & installation of these landscapes. We also support clients with long-term direction of their landscapes to insure their lasting beauty.