About vlg_admin

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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud vlg_admin contributed a whooping 8 entries.

Entries by vlg_admin

Plants Can Be Eco-Friendly Return Gifts

Gift-giving is a necessary aspect of our lives. There are times and occasions when we are inundated with gifts. Also, there are days when you need to make your loved ones and acquaintances feel special by giving them gifts. Gift exchange is more than just a way to spend money and demonstrate materialistic devotion. A […]

35% of Office Workers Spend Less Than 15 Minutes Outdoors Each Day

A survey carried out by a well-known company showed some alarming statistics. They concluded that office workers tend to spend limited amount of time outdoors every day. Around 5% of Office Workers Spend Less Than 15 Minutes Outdoors Each Day (excluding the time taken for travelling). Around 20 to 22 percent people spend just about […]

How Do Living Green Walls Work?

The living green walls are also referred to as vertical garden, living walls, or ecowalls. It basically refers to any kind of construction or a support structure for growing the plants in the upward direction or in a vertical way. It is known to efficiently as well as productively make use of the existing space […]